Be romantic AND relaxed with five easy stay-at-home date ideas
Sometimes I want to be wearing the little black dress... but also my fluffy slippers! These are the times a date-night at home is just perfect - relaxed, cosy, but still oh-so-romantic.
But, I hear you cry, we’ve been at home looking at the same four walls quite a lot over the last couple of years – how can I make home feel different and exciting and, of course, bubble with romance?
Changing up your space – re-arranging furniture, adding accessories, dimming the lighting – can transform it from the day-to-day to something new and romantic. Here are my favourite ideas for creating a special date night at home.
1. Indoor Picnic by Candlelight
Doesn’t everything taste better when it’s served as a picnic – and what could be more romantic than a picnic by candlelight? Turn down the lights, stoke up the fire, dot tea lights on every surface. Shake out a rug on the floor and sink down into a sumptuously soft furry bean bag. You could make up a charcuterie board, or have it delivered, and team it with a glass of red from the lovely people at Smashing Wines. Don’t forget the perennial picnic favourite of chocolate-covered strawberries to finish!
2. Luxury Living-Room Resort
If you want to transport yourself and your loved one away, why not a weekend at a luxury resort in your own living-room? Push your furniture to the sides and bring the outside in. Let bean bag loungers take centre stage, add fairy lights and a parasol (I love everything from the East London Parasol Company!). Order in baskets of your favourite holiday food; ban the laptop and the phone, and pick up that book you’ve been meaning to read. Don’t forget to take the senses on a trip away too – I recommend a scented candle to conjure up a tropical paradise.
3. Night at the (Home) Theatre
Drape your living room in thick throws, put an antique-style candlebra on the mantlepiece, and use lounging chairs to create your own London theatre for two. Set up a home projector (there are lots of inexpensive options on that global retail website we won’t name!) and choose from the many theatres and ballets streaming their performances online. If the weather is hospitable, set the projector up outside for an outdoor cinema experience in your garden.
4. DIY Cocktail Lounge
Dress up in your finest attire, the dressier the better (although there’s nothing wrong with teaming your little black dress with a pair of comfy slippers!) Turn your kitchen counter into a makeshift bar with your most extravagant glasses, a blackboard of your favourite cocktails and some 007 tunes. Sign up for a virtual mixology class, prop your tablet up for easy viewing, and get shaking together!

5. Sofa Stargazing... my favourite!
Armadillo Sun was inspired by my love of being outside, so I say, ignore the weather and pull your sofa onto the patio – even better if it’s one of our all-weather garden sofas. Settle down to listen to the owls and point out the stars. Keep warm with a thick blanket and a hot toddy! What could be more romantic?
What are your favourite stay-at-home date ideas?
Armadillo Sun are specialists in outdoor bean bag furniture. Our pieces are carefully designed to blend style with durability and are so much more versatile than traditional garden furniture. Transform your space, outdoors and in, with a UK-made bean bag chair.